Our Framework

Value Now: Strategy Execution Framework

7 Steps for

Navigating the complexities of global economic and societal crises, all while safeguarding our planet, poses significant challenges. Essential to this endeavor is the promotion of inclusive economic opportunities, the preservation of fundamental rights, and the cultivation of a sustainable future.

Despite the urgency of these tasks, there remains ample opportunity to construct a future where prosperity is accessible to all. This vision is at the heart of UpBuild Global’s mission, as they assist organizations in transitioning from project inception to product development and market success.

Not just survive, but thrive with the transformative potential of technology.

Through our experience in digital transformation, we’ve honed a framework called ValueNow, incorporating proven concepts from top institutions into 7 streamlined steps

The Inspire step helps you envision the future state of your business and define a strategy for achieving it.
Ideation is a creative process where designers generate ideas in sessions (e.g., brainstorming, worst possible idea). It is the third stage in the Design Thinking process. Participants gather with open minds to produce as many ideas as they can to address a problem statement in a facilitated, judgment-free environment.
Capacity planning helps your organization decide which demand among a portfolio of investment options to prioritize and when. By understanding the capacity, whether at the resource, role, or team levels, along with the investments, organizations can focus on scheduling the highest priority work and if required, make staffing adjustments to better align with the strategic goals.
At this Step organizations can leverage the power Project, Program and Portfolio Management and can assess organization’s current portfolio management maturity, identify gaps and provide recommendations, and create a future-state roadmap that is right-sized for your organization.
What gets measured gets done! Benefits realization often involves tracking the quantitative benefits of the project (e.g. financial benefits, operational benefits, etc.) so that senior leadership can answer the question “did we get the benefits from the project that we expected?” Projects have inherent value, and benefits realization is part of the accountability framework to increase the likelihood that organizations receive the intended benefits from completed projects.
At this step we perform analytics of our initiatives and is the systematic analysis of data to gain insights into how your project is performing. This helps you make better decisions about the future of your project, while allowing you to observe patterns, trends, and other relationships that would otherwise lack visibility.
This is the last step wherein the teams perform Project Retrospective, dedicates time to reviewing a completed project and learning from both the successes and the failures so the team and organization can improve how they work going forward.

Got business agility ambitions? We can help you.